Welcome to the interactive schedule for the fall 2016 CoLED Conference.
Visit the conference website for conference details, or the interactive map for venue locations.
Ethnography and Design: Mutual Provocations is made possible through funding from the UC Office of the President, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and participating units across University of California campuses.
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avatar for MR Barnadas

MR Barnadas

Collective Magpie
The collective action by the transnational duo, MR Barnadas & Tae Hwang, extends the art studio into public space by working directly with and alongside volunteer participants to create art.

In 2008, they began operating under the name, Collective Magpie, to share ownership of the projects produced together with participants. Through taking the studio into public space and working between different global sites and citizens, the art produced yields hybrid objects and new cultural forms.