Welcome to the interactive schedule for the fall 2016 CoLED Conference.
Visit the conference website for conference details, or the interactive map for venue locations.
Ethnography and Design: Mutual Provocations is made possible through funding from the UC Office of the President, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and participating units across University of California campuses.
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avatar for Christian Doll

Christian Doll

University of California, Davis
Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology
Davis, CA
My research analyzes state-making and futurity in South Sudan by looking at official projects and everyday activities in South Sudan's capital city, Juba. I have conducted fieldwork in South Sudan since 2012 and am currently writing my dissertation. I experiment with the use and presentation of digital film and video. I also oversee the expansion of an alternative financial infrastructure project founded by South Sudanese colleagues based in the war-torn Upper Nile region of South Sudan. I am currently launching a collaborative visual anthropology project with students and faculty at the University of Juba.

My Moderators Sessions

Saturday, October 29

4:00pm PDT